There are plenty of books related to horses; some of them are thought to be read by "beginners", some are for intermediate riders and others are for those who are at an higher level. There are books about training techniques, luonging, nutrition, diseases, etc. Do you have your personal horse bookshelf at home? Which kind of book do you prefer reading? Would you like to share your best title with us? In this post I will leave some of the titles of the books that I found more interesting, would you like to do that too? If so, please leave us a comment!
The first book that I would like to put on my list is Tug of War: Classical versus "Modern" Dressage by Dr. G. Heuschmann, edited by J.A. Allen. I buoght it some years ago at the price of 15.99£ by the internet. G. Heuschmann is not only a rider but also an equine veterinarian and he explains quite well the mistakes that many riders/trainers do and their consequences. The book is divided in seven chapters where he analyzes the differences between the "old" classic school of training and the new one. Thanks to the great number of photos we can clearly understand what he is trying to explain (even if you are not a vet). Infact there are photos taken during competitions that show us what's good and what's not, there are many illustrations that refer to the skeletal system, to muscles and ligaments and the main point is that hyperflexion and the tension related to it bring physiological problems. Reading it can be of great help even if you are not a dressagist; so, in my opinion, the book is not only interesting but very useful and well written, it's clear although speaking about a complex topic.
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